
Pill-Pushing Doctor Arrested After 36 Patients Die

A Jonesboro, Georgia psychiatrist is being called “Dr. Death” after 36 of his patients died, 12 of them from prescription drug overdoses.
Dr. Narenda Nagareddy was recently arrested and his office was raided by nearly 40 DEA agents. Nagareddy is accused of violating Georgia’s Controlled Substance Act, essentially running a “pill mill.”

Marijuana Overdoses Remain at Zero After 2014 and Legalizations

Another year has come and gone and the number of tragic, troubling deaths due to marijuana overdoses has not decreased.
That’s because if that number decreased, it would be in the negative. It’s 2016, and still no one has died from a marijuana overdose, according to U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) numbers released last month.

Robotic Surgical Systems Linked to 144 Deaths, 1,000+ Injuries in 14 Years

(Natural Society) In the last 14 years, at least 144 people have died and more than 1,000 have been injured in the U.S. as a result of undergoing robotic surgery. [1]
The injuries, many of them fatal, were the result of broken instruments falling into patients’ bodies, electric sparks burning patients’ tissues, and system errors making surgical procedures take longer than planned.