death penalty

Netanyahu responsible for executions of children, rights group says

Israel’s shoot-to-kill policy has left dead dozens of Palestinians, including 15 children, alleged to have attacked Israelis. Nedal Eshtayah APA images


According to the Palestinian rights group Addameer, Israel was holding 6,700 Palestinian political prisoners in October, including 320 children.


Indonesia: The Banality of Executing Drug Convicts

Indonesia, the country which did not earnestly punish one single top military brass for the genocides in East Timor and not one single person for horrendous and ongoing genocide in Papua, is now ready to execute another nine people for drug trafficking. In January 2015 it already slayed six drug convicts including five foreigners, sparking international indignation.
AFP reported:

Crucify Them! Lessons from Holy Week on Capital Punishment

Standing in a dimly lit Greek Orthodox Church this week with my mother, I was confronted with the icon of Christ crucified. As the life-size cross with a hand painted icon of Christ was solemnly carried by the priest around the Church, I, along with many in the Church, was overcome with grief. The faithful wept for the crucified one who is considered by over a billion humans to be God incarnate.

The U.S. and Human Rights

This week Glenn Ford, the 144th person on death row to be exonerated, was released from Louisiana’s infamous Angola prison after spending almost 30 years in the shadow of death — staggering numbers in both the number of innocents released from death row and in the years spent in jail for a crime a man did not commit. Yes, a justice system can fail and it failed Mr. Ford; yet in his case it self-corrected. The real worry is: in how many instances was it unable to correct itself? To put it more bluntly: how many innocents have been executed?