Dean Heller

What's Really Wrong With Trump? Want To Know? Stare In The Damn Mirror

Can you just chalk Trump up to extraordinarily bad genes? Extraordinarily bad parenting? A really, really diseased mind? For sure, no one ever taught him/he never learned/he's incapable of being... someone who isn't a sociopathic malignant narcissist.Dean Heller, like most Republican senators, figured out Trump is a truly dangerous sociopath early on.

Shutting Down The Government Is Now A Game Of Chicken For Trumpanzee

A friend of mine used to be in business with one of Trump's lawyers. He told my friend and my friend told me a funny story. Lawyers hate working for Trump and not only because he doesn't pay his bill. This particular lawyer told him that among lawyers who have worked for Trump this is fairly common. He and Trump would be their way to court.

Nevada's U.S. Senate Race Looks Wide Open-- Party Establishment Picks May Fail To Make The Final Ballot

The ad above by Save My Care started running yesterday in Nevada, where panic-stricken serial flip flopper Dean Heller is widely seen as the most vulnerable Senate incumbent up for reelection in 2018. After vowing to Nevadans to not help GOP extremists repeal Obamacare he was threatened by Trump and immediately buckled and voted against Nevadans. And now he's back with another bill he helped write that will rip healthcare away from even more Americans than the last one!

Both Political Parties Start The 2018 Primary Season Mired In Civil War

Instead of Heller vs Rosen, how about Sbaih vs Tarkanian?Yesterday, you may have seen that an American Research Group poll of likely presidential primary voters in New Hampshire showed that John Kasich leads Trump 52-40%. And if Trump is replaced by Pence, the news is even better for Kasich. In a 2-man head to head, Kasich leads Pence 41-27%.

Dean Heller: Dead Man Walking-- Or Crawling

Apart from Schumer and Reid having found the least qualified and most unappetizing creep to run as a Democrat-- pray Dina Titus runs-- there is virtually no one who can see a path to victory for Dean Heller in his treacherous reelection campaign. The newest PPP survey of Nevada voters looks absolutely devastating for his chances. Senators don't recover from a 22% approval a year out from an election in a state that's trending towards the opposite party, as Nevada is.