Two Years On, Bolivia’s President Says No Regrets Over Expelling DEA

Bolivia’s President Evo, cnter, attends a ritual ceremony honoring Pachamama, Mother Earth, at the government palace in La Paz, Bolivia. (A/Juan Karita)
President Evo Morales recalled today that the expulsion of the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency and the U.S. military base allowed Bolivia to recover economic and political sovereignty.
“I do not regret the decision about the DEA and the military base,” the president said in a public ceremony marking the 47th anniversary of the municipality of Villa Tunari, in the central region of Cochabamba.

The REAL History Behind the War on Drugs | Peace Revolution episode 092

Peace Revolution episode 092: The National Security Coup / From Barry Seal to 9-11 Peace Revolution episode 092: The National Security Coup / From Barry Seal to 9-11 to listen to this episode on podOmatic: T&H Liberty Threads: Weave Your Conversations Around Freedom Available in a variety of sizes, colors, and styles (New […]

FDA Hypocrisy on Marijuana and Prescription Drugs Is Worse Than We Thought

(ANTIMEDIA) One-third of FDA-approved drugs were later found to have safety risks, according to a recent analysis of drugs cleared by the agency between 2001 and 2010.
According to the study, published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, “Among 222 novel therapeutics approved by the FDA from 2001 through 2010, 71 (32.0%) were affected by a postmarket safety event.”

Ex-DEA Spokeswoman: ‘Marijuana Is Safe,’ Kept Illegal Because It’s a ‘Cash Cow’

(ANTIMEDIA) Before the heroin epidemic became a nationwide problem, claiming thousands of lives, Plano, Texas, was already entrenched. And like many of the places caught in the crosshairs of the continuing heroin crisis, Plano is the last place that one would expect to be swept into the opioid tidal wave.

SUNDAY SCREENING: Guns, Drugs & the CIA (1988)

This week’s documentary screening, curated by our editorial team at 21WIRE. 
This was quite a groundbreaking investigation and production at the time, which aired on US public television in 1988, detailing the US government’s own role, along with the CIA – in trafficking in illicit narcotics proceeds that were used to shore up the Contra “freedom fighters” effort in Nicaragua.
“The history of the CIA runs parallel to criminal and drug operations throughout the world, but it’s coincidental. Is the CIA using drug money to finance covert operations?”