Creating a Crime: How the CIA Commandeered the DEA

By Douglas Valentine | Dissident Voice | September 19, 2015 The outlawing of narcotic drugs at the start of the Twentieth Century, the turning of the matter from public health to social control, coincided with American’s imperial Open Door policy and the belief that the government had an obligation to American industrialists to create markets […]

Here’s How Law Enforcement Agencies Impersonate Your Friends

By Sonia Roubini | ACLU | August 31, 2015 We recently received a handbook from the DEA, in response to a Freedom of Information Act request, seeking information about the use of impersonation as an investigative technique. While the 1999 handbook, titled Online Investigative Principles for Federal Law Enforcement Agents, was almost identical to a […]

Probe Leads to 560 Drug Convictions Being Overturned

You’ve heard of the war on drugs. Perhaps you are one of the few who still believe it has worked to reverse the use of dangerous drugs in our country. Accusations of fraud and tax-payer milking are not unusual when it comes to discussions of the DEA. The latest reversal of more than 158 convictions, bringing the total to 560 reversed drug charges in Philadelphia, is another reason why.

From Reagan to Obama: Forced Disappearances in Honduras

Honduran military police on patrol in Tegucigalpa, Honduras. (Photo: Karen Spring) teleSUR | May 25, 2015 The 1980s saw widespread political violence and countless forced disappearances in many countries in Latin America, and Honduras was no exception. Hundreds of political opponents of the 1980s U.S.-backed regime were kidnapped, tortured, and assassinated by the CIA-trained secret […]

Dark Alliance: The CIA, the Contras, and the Crack Cocaine Explosion

Gary Webb was an American Hero.  A modern day muckraker with true grit; he was a Pulitzer Prize winning investigative journalist and author of the densely researched, well documented, passionately argued, acronym-laden 548-page tome “Dark Alliance: The CIA, the Contras, and the Crack Cocaine Explosion”. Webb began his career on newspapers in Kentucky and Ohio, winning numerous awards and building a […]

NarcoNews: DEA Prostitute Scandal Isn’t Agency’s Only Trick

Drug-War Agency’s Latin America Operations Tarnished by a Pattern of Unaddressed Corruption Allegations
Bill Conroy
The current scandal over Colombian narco-traffickers paying prostitutes to provide sex services to DEA agents has an even deeper footprint in the agency than the current head of the DEA has conceded, court records stemming from past DEA operations reveal.

Why Did it Take So Long for DEA Chief Leonhart to be Forced to Resign?

By Noel Brinkerhoff and Danny Biederman | AllGov | April 24, 2015 The Drug Enforcement Administration’s top official, Michele Leonhart, resigned this week, presumably after it came out that many of her agents partied with prostitutes hired by drug cartels. But there is really much more to the story. “She’s been at the agency for […]