de Gaulle

John F Kennedy Broke the Rules of the Zero Sum Game. Will his Nephew Learn How This Was Done?

“Man holds in his mortal hands the power to abolish all forms of human poverty and all forms of human life. And yet the same revolutionary beliefs for which our forebears fought are still at issue around the globe.” – President Kennedy, 1961 Inaugural Address   Recently, presidential candidate Bobby Kennedy Jr delivered an interview Read More...

Pour Macron et Valeurs Actuelles, la Guyane est une île …

Ce jeudi 26 octobre 2017, Emmanuel Macron est en voyage en Guyane.  Six mois après les mouvements sociaux survenus dans le département d’outre-mer en pleine campagne présidentielle, le dauphin de François Hollande va devoir assumer les promesses sans garantie de son prédécesseur, formulées dans le « pacte d’avenir » signé par Ségolène Royal le 17 mar

FRANCE STRIKE: ‘The Workers Fight Back’

Gearoid O Colmain

All over France strikes and demonstrations are taking place. People are protesting against the French government’s attempt to reform labour laws which would make it easier to hire and fire workers. French labour laws have always been seen as an obstacle to progress by the ruling class due to the modest protection they afford workers.

“The Crusaders”, their lies, their cowardice

Remember, in 1990, the first Crusade against Iraq with its Big Lie of the alleged slaughter of Kuwaiti babies torn from their incubators, then the second in 2003, with the Big Lie of the alleged Weapons of Mass Destruction (a pale copy of The Gigantic Lie of the alleged “Destruction of the European Jews”).For 25 years America and too many European countries have been behaving like “Crusaders” in Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan, Syria, Mali, Palestine (with intrusions by the Zionists since the 1880’s), ...Recently, in France, Michel Onfray, a philosopher, repeated partly what I’ve often said about