The full DC Circuit Court of Appeals pulls back from the brink of health-care loony-tune-itude

It was a good day for judicial sanity, not such a good day for the Great Right-Wing Noise Machine. Cartoon by Joel Pett (March 2013) -- click to enlarge."When the full DC Circuit announced they would rehear the case, by contrast, that was an indication that the two Republicans who blocked the subsidies may be outliers who reached an idiosyncratic result in an easy case.

Now that Garry Trudeau's "Alpha House" TV show is (sort of) on the air, we're finally getting new "Doonesbury"s

[Click to enlarge (a little)]by KenI don't know why I'm so uncomfortable now that Garry Trudeau's DC TV-fantasy is, well, not on the air, but in the Intertubes (it's Amazon's debut series). As the master of Doonesbury, Trudeau is a veritable god to me, and as a case in point I offer today's strip, from the "recap" series with which GT is apparently weaning us off the summer's and fall's reruns, while he's been playing with his TV show.