Daylin Leach

Who Cares About Dogs And Cats?

We wouldn't have endorsed state Senator Daylin Leach for the open congressional seat in Northeast Philadelphia and Montgomery County (PA-13) if he wasn't pro-choice and pro-environment and pro-equality. The fact that he's been a leader in the state legislature on these matters made it all the easier. But, in the end, we decided to back Daylin because he has been such a strong and effective fighter on behalf of economic justice.

Ex-Mobil Executive Spills The Beans About How Big Oil Is Fracking Up The Planet

The head of the California Democratic Party's Environmental Caucus, R.L. Miller, is starting up a national Climate Hawks Vote project. She was instrumental in getting a resolution calling for a moratorium on fracking through the sometimes tepid California Democratic Party and many of us know her as an intrepid environmental blogger at Daily Kos.

Even If You're Not A Neil Young Fan, We Still Want You To Get To Know Pennsylvania State Senator Daylin Leach

A few days ago we asked you to take a look at the Blue America Neil Young contest. Shorter version here. But Daylin Leach is a lot more than a cute contest. And although Neil Young's music was important to young Daylin when he was growing up, it isn't the only thing that helped form Daylin Leach.He was raised in Northeast Philadelphia by a single mother.

Neil Young Contest

The first time I spoke with Pennsylvania state Senator Daylin Leach, I was astounded. I asked him if he knows Alan Grayson. At the time they hadn't met. I was asking because I'm always looking for candidates who are something like Alan. No one is more like Alan-- and in so many profound and wonderful ways-- than Daylin. Both are what we would have called in my Brooklyn neighborhood "stand up guys"-- courageous, smart and dedicated to taking on the tough jobs and seeing them through.

State Senator Daylin Leach Gives Pennsylvania Legislators A Reality Check

Daylin Leach is a candidate for Congress. Since Allyson Schwartz is running for the Democratic gubernatorial nomination, he's running to replace her as the Representative for northwest Philly/Montgomery County. He's campaigning hard, but that doesn't mean he's neglecting his current job as a state senator. The video above was in response to the reactionary Republican budget, which passed the House 111-92 just hours before the Sunday deadline. Gov.