Daylin Leach

Is The Democratic Party Serious About Fighting For LGBT Equality?

The Democratic Party prides itself on being a big tent so the answer is both yes and no. Mainstream FDR progressives are very serious about equality-- like the Pennsylvania state Senator, DaylinLeach, in the video above. Confused conservatives who, for whatever reason, stumbled into the wrong party are not. When I was growing up, my grandfather, a dedicated Socialist, told me to never trust the Democrats.

Will The AFL-CIO Really Support Primaries Against Democrats Who Try To Help Obama And Boehner Cut Social Security Benefits?

Progressives like Pennsylvania state Senator Daylin Leach, who's running for the open PA-13 congressional seat, is never going to sell out Social Security, Medicare or any social insurance policies for middle and working-class American families. In fact, his record in the legislature makes it clear that he will fight to expand and strengthen them. Watch his new video above-- and then consider helping him win his crowded primary against a bunch of conservative Democrats.

Pennsylvania State Senator Daylin Leach Got An "F" From The NRA

Watch Daylin Leach's statement on sensible gun control in the video above. It's likely to be the only substantive thing you'll hear about guns in the campaign for the congressional seat being given up by Allyson Schwartz (Northeast Philadelphia and Montgomery County). There are 4 Democrats in this primary-- and aside from Daylin, so one has a record on guns...

A New Word For You: "Mekhutonim"-- Who Is Marjorie Margolies-Mezvinsky And Why Is She Unfit For Congress 2 Decades Later?

Hoyer will do Margolies-Mezvinsky as much good next year as he did for another corrupt conservative hack, Tim Holden, last yearThe campaign for the Northeast Philadelphia/Montgomery County congressional seat being vacated by Allyson Schwartz is starting to heat up.

Here's Why We Endorsed Daylin Leach

I used to be the president of my university's Young Democrats. That didn't even last a full semester. I soon discovered that there was a sharp, sharp difference between a progressive and a Democrat. These days there aren't any Republicans who are progressive. There are barely any Republicans left who are even conservative. They've moved so far right-- from conservative to reactionary-- that they left plenty of room for the Republican wing of the Democratic party to feel comfortable donning conservative mantles.

To Russia With Rainbows

The 2014 Olympic games are set to be held in Sochi, Russia-- notable for their snow capped mountains, love of winter sports, and rabidly homophobic laws about "gay propaganda" (whatever that means).While these games have all of the trappings of Berlin 1936, the one organization we'd expect to have a clear head about these bigoted laws is the International Olympic Commission (IOC).

There Are A Lot Of Reasons To Vote For Carl Sciortino-- Alan Grayson Is Emphasizing The Out-Of-Control NSA

Carl Sciortino with Ed Markey on election dayLast night, Alan Grayson (D-FL) endorsed Carl Sciortino for Congress, the progressive in a tight 5-way primary to replace Ed Markey. He joins People for the American Way, Blue America and all the Massachusetts LGBT and progressive organizations who have already endorsed.

Marriage Equality Comes To Pennsylvania?

You may have read this week how state Senator Daylin Leach-- who, as a registered officiant, is entitled to legally marry couples in the state of Pennsylvania-- did just that on Monday. He performed a marriage ceremony for a gay couple with a marriage license in Montgomery County, where he and they live. The extreme right, homophobic Governor of Pennsylvania flipped out and now there's a court battle and political war between the Commonwealth and Montgomery County over LGBT marriage equality.