Daylin Leach

Momentum Continues To Build For Pennsylvania's Liberal Lion, Daylin Leach

Today two more important progressive groups, MoveOn and the Philadelphia Chapter of DFA (Philly for Change), joined Blue America and the PCCC in backing state Senator Daylin Leach in his bid for the open congressional seat (PA-13). In the May 20th primary Daylin will face a crowded field of garden variety Democrats, endorsed by Big Money interests.

The Fight For Equality Is On-Going-- Just Ask Mike Honda And Carol Shea Porter

If you come to DWT on any kind of a regular basis, you probably know I'm not a big Obama fan. In fact, voted for Jill Stein in 2012. But one area where President Obama has managed to move the ball forward, in the face of unrelenting and concerted Republican opposition, has been in regard to LGBT equality. Who would have thought back in 2008 we would come so far!

The Hooters Have Signed A Hooter For Daylin Leach's Campaign-- And You Can Win It

Daylin Leach with a hooter (left) and a Hooter (right)A few days ago our pals at the PCCC endorsed Pennsylvania "Liberal Lion," state Senator Daylin Leach for the open blue seat in Montgomery County and Northeast Philly (PA-13). "Alan Grayson and Elizabeth Warren have proven that bold progressives in Congress can change the national conversation. Daylin is one of those game changers," said Adam Green of PCCC.

Cold Out, Right? Now Boehner And His GOP Colleagues Will Determine Whether To Force Unemployed Workers Into Penury And Starvation-- Yes, Here In America

Yesterday the Senate postponed voting on extending unemployment insurance for the 1.3 million Americans whose benefits expired last week and for even more people whose benefits will expire between now and July. Reid sensed he could get 5 Republicans to cross the aisle and back the American people, instead of their own party's determination to make Obama fail by making America fail. It worked.

Democratic Congressional Opportunities In Southeast Pennsylvania-- IF Steve Israel Doesn't Blow It Again

Do these protesters need to show up at Steve Israel's house?The suburbs north of Philadelphia look promising for Democrats this year. First and foremost, Wall Street-owned New Dem Allyson Schwartz (PA-13) is leaving Congress and is likely to be replaced by the state legislature's liberal lion, Montgomery County Senator Daylin Leach.

Real Democrats Stand Strong For Social Security-- The Others Are Little More Than Republicans In Disguise

I asked one of the sharpest minds I know on Capitol Hill if there's a single issue facing Congress right now-- just one-- that separates conservatives from progressives. He didn't miss a beat: the Social Security Enhancement and Protection Act and the Strengthening Social Security. Act. Yesterday we had a guest post from the progressive candidate for the Maine Senate seat, Shenna Bellows, on the topic.