David Parkman

Biden's And Trump's Shortcomings Aside, Why Still Bernie? Part I

I have every intention of writing in Bernie's name in November. Why? He's the best man to be president. I don't vote against people; I vote for people. Bernie and his platform were right for 2016 and he and his platform are right for 2020. Watch the video above and maybe you will decide to write him in too.Last week, HarrisX did a Medicare-for-All poll for The Hill. They found that 69% of registered voters support Medicare-for-All.

Will Bernie Run In 2020?

Progressive Democrats by Nancy OhanianI went to the first convention of the burgeoning alternative music business way back in the late '70s. All of us at indie labels, indie radio, indie publications, etc, got to meet in person for the first time and share our passion nd ideas about a music scene that was starting too take root in the popular culture. It was small and focused and fun.

How Senile Is Trump?

In the clip above, David Parkman makes the case that Trump, the oldest person to ever occupy the White House, may be suffering from Alzheimer's disease-- like his neo-Nazi father-- or some other form of dementia. Last week Sharon Begley posted a piece at STAT headlined Experts Say Trump's Deteriorating Speech Could Be Sign of Early Dementia. "STAT," she wrote, "asked experts to compare Trump's speech from decades ago to that in 2017.