David Joyce

Tomorrow's Non-Presidential Primaries

The corrupt Democratic establishment has been far more successful shutting down primaries than has the corrupt Republican establishment. Primaries are usually the only way it ever challenge entrenched incumbents in gerrymandered safe districts. All Americans actually owe the Tea Party a debt of gratitude for scaring the congressional Republicans and for cleaning out some trash, particularly Wall Street whore Eric Cantor.

Why Does The FBI Still Refuse To Release Their Investigation Of David Joyce's Cocaine Abuse?

Andrew Rayburn (r) bought some sports teams, a jet and a crooked congressman (l)Some people say Ohio Congressman David Joyce has kicked his cocaine addiction and is no longer a substance abuser. But not everyone who knows Joyce agrees. Joyce became so obsessed with 2 Live Crew when he was on a jihad against their music that started...

House Republicans Have Another Problem-- Rampant Cocaine Abuse

Northeast Ohio's very own 2 Live CrewYesterday, according to Fox DC Bureau Chief Chad Pergram, Boehner was whining about how the House Republican conference is filled with "knuckleheads." He didn't name any and everyone-- including everyone here at DWT just assumed he was talking about the Members that don't get bought off by corruption, guys like Justin Amash and Walter Jones, who Boehner hates for their refusal to allow him to bioss them around.