David Ignatius

Fearing Sanders as ‘Closet Realist’

Exclusive: To Washington’s neocons like David Ignatius, Sen. Sanders should be disqualified as a presidential candidate for being a “closet realist.” Sanders seems not to accept their forced “regime change” in Syria, nor their plans for more “nation building” like the neocon handiwork in Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya, writes Robert Parry. By Robert Parry How little Official Washington’s neocon-dominated…

Letting US ‘Lead’ Against Islamic State

America’s Mideast “allies” are less eager to take on Islamic State terrorists themselves than to urge the U.S. military to do so, raising questions about whether much of today’s campaign-trail tough-guy/gal talk about Washington taking the lead really means doing the dirty work for Saudi Arabia, Israel and others, as ex-CIA analyst Paul R. Pillar…

Are Mainstream Republicans Capable Of Going On The Offensive Against Teabaggers?

Aaron Schock's boyfriend is being targeted for political extinction by the teabaggersEarlier today we took a quickie glance at the devastating Republican Party civil war and how an energized DCCC-- one without Steve Israel holding it back-- could take advantage of it to win back the House. But mainstream conservative Republicans have a different perspective.