David Hogg

Student Gun-Control Activist Caught on Video Rehearsing His Lines for CNN

US: David Hogg, the leading student activist calling for gun control following the Florida school shooting, was exposed in a leaked video as he is being coached on what to say for a CNN interview. At one point, someone off camera says: "He forgot his lines". Hogg's father, incidentally, is a retired FBI agent. When Donald Trump, Jr. Tweeted that he thought Hogg was a crisis actor, Hogg responded by saying it was too bad there are people like that who have lost their faith in America.

School Shootings Stem from Violent TV, Video Games, & Psychotropic Drugs

Matt Bevin, the Governor of Kentucky, says an increase in school shootings over the past 50 years is caused by a desensitization to violence through TV, video games, lyrics to popular music, and psychiatric drugs. He points out that Germany and Russia, where guns are totally banned. there still are school shootings. [...]