David Graeber

Requiem for a People-Centered World Dream

My dream is to invite a reader into a room and pour a nice cup of tea . . . and then nail the door shut. — author Charles Bowden, 2010 NPR interview There is so much daily that expresses so much about the slippery slopes we are in globally because of predatory-penury-parasitic-pugilistic capitalism. In the […]
The post Requiem for a People-Centered World Dream first appeared on Dissident Voice.

The Rise of the Terminally Online

Americans, rich or poor, now live in a culture entirely perceived through simulacra-media images and illusions. We live inside a self-referential media hologram of a nation that has not existed for quite some time now. Our national reality is held together by images, the originals of which have been lost or never existed. The well-off […]
The post The Rise of the Terminally Online first appeared on Dissident Voice.

Innovation Slaves and Lurking Technoplutocorporatism

Company Blockchains LLC, co-owned by a millionaire Jeffrey Berns, bought over 67,000 acres in Northern Nevada in 2018. The plan is to build infrastructure including hotels, truck stops, and housing according to the latest technological achievements. This purchase is part of the project Innovation Zones. It aims at providing a space for innovation by employing […]

Capitalism, Infinite Growth, Climate Change & Manufactured Hopelessness

by Gaius PubliusThe video above comes in two parts — the first four minutes or so deals with the title problem, and the last two minutes offers a solution. Note those two sections and the points they make as you watch. I'll address each point separately below.Capitalism, Infinite Growth and Climate ChangeWe seem to have turned the corner on American belief that climate change will result in a bad end for us unless we stop it or alter its trajectory.