Darrell Issa

Now GOP Congressmen Are Being Yelled At In Their Districts Over Putin-Gate As Well As Trumpcare

Flip-floppin' Darrell says he's changed his mind again on a special prosecutorYesterday, Adam Schiff (D-CA) was on ABC's This Week and John McCain (R-AZ) was on CNN’s State of the Union and they both were singing the same tune, namely that Trump was full of shit with his crazy claim that Obama wiretapped him.

Can A Clueless Democratic Establishment Save Darrell Issa's Career Once Again?

TRUTH is a defense to libel and slander. Just last Friday, March 10th, Darrell Issa’s $10 million defamation lawsuit against progressive Marine Colonel Doug Applegate was dismissed. The judge held that Applegate’s TV commercials in question were in fact true. Even better, Issa’s own poll filed with the San Diego County Superior Court and conducted 30 days post-election had Applegate beating Issa by 8%.

The Road To Impeachment Is Long And Arduous-- But You Have To Start Somewhere

You remember when Darrell Issa was on Bill Maher's show last Friday? We covered it here, ran a video of the segment that shows how Maher and his audience pressured the gutless Issa into agreeing that any real investigation into Trump's relations with Putin requires a special prosecutor rather than a Republican white wash effort led by Richard Burr or Devin Nunes.Issa told the audience that "You’re going to need to use the special prosecutor’s statute and office to take, not just to recuse.

Nancy Pelosi And Her DCCC Are On Their Regular Bi-Annual Mission To Save Darrell Issa's Career Again

Friday, life-long opportunist Darrell Issa was on Bill Maher's show, Real Time, and declared himself one of the first House Republicans willing to stab Señor Trumpanzee in the back over Putin-Gate. "You cannot have somebody, a friend of mine Jeff Sessions, who was on the campaign and who is an appointee," he told Maher in regard to the question about investigating the Trump campaign. "You're going to need to use the special prosecutor's statute and office to take-- not just to recuse. You can't just give it to your deputy.

What We Learned From The Passage Of The GOP's Odious Rules Package-- The New Congress' 4 Worst Democrats Show Their Hand

After the Republicans were forced— not by a Trumpanzee tweet, but by mighty roar from the media and, more important, from the public— to remove an amendment by accused pedophile Robert Goodlatte attempting to gut the Office of Congressional Ethics, the Republican Rules package, the package of rules sponsored by the most ethics-free member of Congress, car thief Darrell Issa, came to the floor late Wednesday. H.R.

Former Car Thief Darrell Issa Is Growing Increasingly Desperate As His Chances Of Reelection Diminish

Darrell Issa has the most sordid past of anyone in Congress todayIn the last couple of weeks, you may have read about a poll of likey voters in Orange and San Diego counties that shows progressive Democrat and first time candidate, Doug Applegate, a former Marine colonel, closing in rapidly on Trump-backing extremist Darre