DARK act

These are the U.S. Representatives who voted to ban GMO labeling and deny your right to know what you’re eating

By Julie Wilson | Natural News | July 23, 2015 “We should not raise prices on consumers based on the wishes of a handful of activists,” said Rep. Mike Pompeo (R-Kan.), who just became consumer enemy number one after he decided to author a bill that destroys any chance Americans have of knowing what’s in […]

Petition: Stop the ‘DARK Act’ that Would Make GMO Labeling Illegal!

Statewide GMO labeling may soon become illegal in the United States if the Senate passes the ‘DARK Act,’ which is formally known as the ‘Safe and Accurate Food Labeling Act.’ We need your help to make it so this bill doesn’t become law.
The House of Representatives has already voted to pass the DARK Act, and there is little time left to sound the alarm before the Senate votes on the legislation.

House Votes to BAN GMO Labeling TODAY Under ‘DARK Act’

Update: The DARK Act, making mandatory GMO labeling ‘illegal,’ has passed the House. It must now be voted on by the Senate, which is the last hope for defeating the bill.
Statewide GMO labeling has been ruled ‘illegal’ as the House of Representatives decides to pass the notorious ‘DARK Act,’ which puts a halt to all mandatory GMO labeling initiatives around the United States.