Darcy Burner

Looking For Candidate Advice-- From The U.S. Senate To State Legislatures

Blue America spends most of its time and energy on House races. As far as the 2016 Senate races go, after Donna Edwards (MD), PG Sittenfeld (OH) and Alan Grayson (FL) were defeated in their primaries by establishment candidates the only Senate endorsements we have left are for Russ Feingold (WI), who looks like he'll probably win a week from tomorrow, and two long-shots who beat their more conservative opponents, Ray Metcalfe (AK) and Misty Kathrine Snow (UT).

Blue America Endorses Darcy Burner

In February an old friend of this community's, Darcy Burner, let us know that she is running for the Washington state legislature. With Pramila Jayapal likely headed off to Congress, the legislature is going to need a thoughtful can-do, bold progressive. That's Darcy. Washington has long been a leader in progressive change-- and she intends to make sure that tradition stays strong and vibrant.

Saving The Planet From Tawdry Profiteers-- Or Just More Politics As Usual?

I would like to see environmental safety true believers like Paul Clements (D-MI) and Marianne Willimson (I-CA) take on Fred Upton and the rest of the self-satisfied elites in Washington who haven't gotten the urgency of Climate Change into their skulls yet-- and probably never will.I got very nervous this week after seeing 4 fundraising requests from an outfit I had never heard of, Environmental Majority.