Daniel Ellsberg

5 former OPCW officials join prominent voices to call out Syria cover-up

Prominent signatories and five former OPCW officials are calling on the chemical watchdog to address the cover-up of its chemical weapons investigation in the Syrian city of Douma, and to hear out the dissenting scientists whose findings were censored. Five former officials from the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons have joined a group of prominent signatories to urge the OPCW to address the controversy surrounding its investigation of an alleged chemical weapons attack in Douma, Syria in April […]

Where is Canadian Media on the Assange File?

After 10 years of restricted freedom, political exile and incarceration, Julian Assange finally came face-to-face with his accusers at the Old Bailey Criminal Court in London. For three weeks in September, a team of English lawyers argued on behalf of their client, the U.S. Department of Justice, that the beleaguered WikiLeaks founder and publisher should […]
The post Where is Canadian Media on the Assange File? first appeared on Dissident Voice.

El ‘juicio del siglo’ contra Julian Assange: 10 razones para salvar el futuro del periodismo

El ex diplomático ecuatoriano que le dio asilo político a Julian Assange informa sobre la audiencia de extradición del periodista de WikiLeaks, y explica por qué es “el caso más importante contra la libertad de expresión de toda una generación”. Por Fidel Narváez Read this article in English here. Nota del editor: Fidel Narváez fue el consul de Ecuador en el Reino Unido entre 2010 y 2018. Ayudó a darle el asilo político a Julian Assange, y se comunicaba regularmente […]

El ‘juicio del siglo’ contra Julian Assange: 10 razones para salvar el futuro del periodismo

El ex diplomático ecuatoriano que le dio asilo político a Julian Assange informa sobre la audiencia de extradición del periodista de WikiLeaks, y explica por qué es “el caso más importante contra la libertad de expresión de toda una generación”. Por Fidel Narváez Read this article in English here. Nota del editor: Fidel Narváez fue el consul de Ecuador en el Reino Unido entre 2010 y 2018. Ayudó a darle el asilo político a Julian Assange, y se comunicaba regularmente […]

Entretien avec le légendaire lanceur d’alerte Daniel Ellsberg après sa 89ème arrestation pour s’être opposé aux armes nucléaires, à la guerre nucléaire et au secret gouvernemental – Par Dennis Bernstein

Source : CovertAction Magazine, Dennis Bernstein, 24-09-2019
Le Lawrence Livermore Laboratory de Livermore, en Californie, conçoit de nouvelles armes nucléaires et mène des recherches sur le plutonium. [Crédit : worldatlas.com]

Taking Next Steps toward Nuclear Abolition

My friend Marianne Goldscheider, who is 87, suffered a broken hip in July, 2018 and then, in June 2019, it happened again. When she broke her hip the first time, she was running, with her son, on a football field. After the second break, when she fell in her kitchen, she recalls her only desire as she was placed on a stretcher. “I just wanted ‘the right pill,’” she says. She wished she could end her life.