Dana Milbank

Perhaps surprisingly, there was a clear winner of last night's crypto-presidential debacle

There's one candidate who contributed nothing dishonest, depraved, or demeaning to last night's debates (yes, debates -- either the varsity or the jayvee)."[N]ot an hour into the rollicking, interminable debate, as the candidates on the stage finally ganged up on front-runner Donald Trump, Gilmore tweeted that it was 'all process and nothing to tweet about.' "-- Dana Milbank, in his WaPo column "

Has Trump Branded His Own Arsenic Yet?

I'm a casual guy, part of why I like living on the West Coast. I was never much of a slick dresser and avoided ties as much as possible. But when fate threw me into a TimeWarner presidential job, I wound up with offices in New York and London as well as L.A. and I had to represent our company in countries where suits and ties were important status symbols for executives. Over the years I tried to casualize the culture everywhere I could, but...

Massive Tax Cut For The Wealthiest 0.2%

The status quo that conservatives, by definition, seek to conserve is the status quo of an hereditary aristocracy with a concentration of wealth and power in the hands of a relatively few families. That garbage ideology crossed over the Atlantic and accounts for the third of colonials-- the conservatives-- siding with the British against the Patriots. Today it helps define what the Republican party is.

Holy schnikes! Add "his father's awkward oratory" to "his brother’s mangled syntax and malapropisms," and . . . here's J-e-b!

"Global affairs?" says Jeb. "You're asking me? You sure you're not thinking onto somebody else? All I got is that French dude with the hotel maid in New York."by KenOne test of a person who stands astride history is his ability to leave his imprint on the language.

Booby J and the other GOP guvs may do artful "political theater," but that's not the same thing as artful governing

Breakfast with Booby: Even sitting down, as Governor Booby was here at the Christian Science Monitor's breakfast on Monday, it's easy to slip on political banana peels."Some of the [Republican] party’s most promising candidates are governors or former governors running on their executive experience.

So this is what confirmation hearings are going to look like in the new Thug Senate

Dana Milbank says: "The case against [AG nominee Loretta] Lynch deflated faster than if the New England Patriots had run the hearing."by KenSo now we've actually seen what the confirmation process is going to look like in a Senate under the control of thugs and mental defectives. I guess it's about what any reasonably informed person would have expected; it's just more revolting to actually witness.