Dan Froomkin

What Drives Mitch McConnell? A Conscienceless, Near-Cartoonish Pursuit of Power

by Thomas NeuburgerFor all the damage he’s inflicted on American democracy, for all the political corpses he’s left in his wake, Mitch McConnell has never betrayed an ounce of shame.—Robert Moser, Rolling StoneMitch McConnell is a unique individual in the modern political world.Most politicians are filled with a mix of fevered desires, flatt

Donald Trump's History Predicted A Kleptocracy-- And It's Here

I haven't noticed any of the polling firms that now routinely ask if people think Trump is a liar or not-- most do-- whether or not people think Trump is a crook. I predict that in less than a year, that will be a standard polling question-- and that eventually most Americans will say yes. I assume the majority of DWT readers already are ready to say Trump is a crook.

Henry Kissinger’s War Crimes Are Central to the Divide Between Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders

The sparring during Thursday’s Democratic presidential debate between Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders over whether Henry Kissinger is an elder statesman or a pariah has laid bare a major foreign policy divide within the Democratic Party.
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False Equivalency, Kyrsten Sinema And The Problem Of A Hackish Media

Last year Kyrsten Sinema (New Dem-AZ) tried appealing to out-of-district progressives while claiming to be a centrist in AZ-09. Obama beat McCain and Romney in the district; it's not a red district. This week Sinema, one of the Democrats who votes most frequently with the Republican on crucial roll calls, has been claiming that both parties are at fault over the government shut down. "Arizonans are angry and I don't blame them," she said Tuesday.