Dan Canon

Campaigning For Congress On What People Want-- Dan Canon (IN-09) And Marijuana

Perhaps you heard or read in the last few days that U.S. life expectancy has dropped ny a tenth of a percent in the U.S. since Trumpanzee took over the Oval Office. And it’s his supporters— prescription drug addicts— who are overdosing and dying. Americans can now expect to live to be 78.6 years down from 78.7 last year, primarily because of the spike in drug overdoses. During the campaign, tackling the problem was a constant Trump pledge.

Campaigning On A Guaranteed Jobs Program Makes Sense-- And More Candidates Are Catching On, Although The DCCC Has Never Heard Of The Idea

The Guaranteed Income (UBI) proposals floating around, courtesy of the Silicon Valley aristocracy, is a dangerous trap, fraught with right-wing austerity dangers. Progressives who have put any time into it are far more interested in the Job Guarantee models, as we discussed here on Tuesday.

People Who Say It Cannot Be Done Should Not Interrupt Those Who Are Doing It

Normally, Democrats win districts where the PVI is D+something and Republicans win districts where the PVI is R+something. The higher the "something," the more likely that party will win. But it's not always the case. Conservative Blue Dog Collin Peterson represents a Minnesota district with a PVI of R+12 (although last year it was "just" R+6). Serial DCCC incompetence has guaranteed the reelection of Republican David Valadao in a D+5 California district again and again.

Trump And Ryan-- The Destroyers Of Regulations That Protect Americans From Greed And Avarice

Did anyone ever really believe Trump's idiotic campaign promises to drain the swamp that he personifies or hold Wall Street-- which now runs his regime-- accountable? If so... how tragic! Late Tuesday evening Trump had Mike Pence break the 50-50 tie in the Senate that will now allow banks more leeway to prey on their customers without fear of sanctions. That it even got to a point where the GOP-controlled Senate needed a tie-breaking vote from Pence was strange.

Is Small Business Really The Backbone Of Our Economy? And Do Congressmen Have Backbones?

Southern California's best member of Congress, Ted Lieu, understands the problems small businesses face better than most members. "Republicans," he told us this morning, "love to talk a big game when it comes to supporting small businesses, but in reality most of their policies benefit big corporations.