
Douma: Three Years On: How independent media shot down the false “chemical attack” narrative.

Fantastic endorsement by the esteemed John Pilger. I’m humbled. “This outstanding report from Syria by Eva Bartlett penetrates the ‘iron dome’ of Western propaganda, also known as news. It is about a chemical attack that never happened in a country attacked, subverted and blockaded in your name.“ The article in question was published at Off… Read More Douma: Three Years On: How independent media shot down the false “chemical attack” narrative.

Syrians abroad vote for a return to stability

Steven Sahiounie, journalist and political commentator https://www.mideastdiscourse.com/2021/05/22/syrians-abroad-vote-for-a-r… Syrians went to their embassy, or consulate, in dozens of countries abroad to vote for president on May 20, while the domestic vote will take place May 26. Some voiced their vote for President Bashar al-Assad was based on his ability to steer Syria out of a 10-year […]

Western nations want ‘democracy’ in Syria so badly they close embassies and prevent Syrians from voting in presidential elections

May 19, 2021, RT.com *Blog version slightly longer -by Eva K Bartlett This week, Syrians around the world will vote in the 2021 Presidential elections (those in Syria will vote on May 26). That is, if Western nations re-open the embassies they so democratically shut years ago.

Jordanian King blames Israel for provoking Palestinians

Steven Sahiounie, journalist and political commentator The King of Jordan, Abdallah II, spoke with UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres and said that the repeated Israeli actions and provocations against the Palestinian people have led to the current escalations.  The royal court wrote on Twitter on Monday that Israeli actions are pushing the region towards more tension.   […]

Syria comes in from the cold: Saudi-Syria relationship warms up

Steven Sahiounie, journalist and political commentator The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is embarking on a new beginning that could change the Middle East.   To enhance security and stability, a Saudi delegation headed by the head of the intelligence service, Lieutenant General Khaled Al-Humaidan, visited Damascus on Monday and met Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad and […]

Apartheid Israel attacks Palestinian Refugee Camp in Syria

Steven Sahiounie, journalist and political commentator LATAKIA:  A camp created for Palestinian refugees in Latakia, Syria was attacked by Israeli missiles fired today at 2:18 am.  Residents across the area were jolted from sleep and thrown into terror at the sound of the aerial missile attacks across the region.  The Palestinian Refugee Camp was not […]

“Syria has been a victim of the terrorists’ use of chemical weapons”: Dr. Al Hakam Dandy, a Syrian Counselor UN

Steven Sahiounie, journalist and political commentator On April 16, the journalist Andre Mate, spoke to the UN Security Council concerning the Organization for the Prevention of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) report about Syria which has been exposed as a cover-up scandal. His address challenges the US and UK on their role in the OPCW’s lies and […]

“A new Palestinian intifada may trigger a regional war against the Apartheid Israel” according to expert Laith Marouf

Steven Sahiounie, journalist and political commentator A missile launched from Syria recently came very close to Israel’s nuclear reactor at Dimona.  Currently, the Palestinians of Jerusalem, the West Bank and Gaza are actively resisting their occupation and oppression which may give way into a new uprising, or intifada against the Israeli military occupation.  These events […]