
US proxy wars in Ukraine, Syria, and China may be next

Steven Sahiounie, journalist and political commentator Former Virginia State Senator Richard H. Black was recently interviewed by Mike Robinson.  In the video, Black discusses the conflict in Ukraine, his views on NATO expansionism, and draws parallels with the conflict in Syria. Black said the US has a strategic policy of using proxies to engage in […]

US-Turkish terrorists use Obama’s gift to attack bus with 12 dead and 14 wounded in Syria

Steven Sahiounie, journalist and political commentator A Syrian military bus was attacked on Friday, which killed 12 soldiers and wounded 14, between the towns of Nubl and Al Zahra, west of Aleppo at 9:30 am. The attack was carried out by the Turkish sponsored ‘Sultan Shah’ terrorist group, which used a TOW anti-tank rocket. The […]

Ukrainian strike on Donetsk market was a terrorist act

April 30, 2022, RT.com If the Donetsk marketplace that was hit by rocket artillery on Thursday had been in a city controlled by Kiev, the names and faces of the five civilians killed would be on all major news sites. But because it was another Ukrainian attack on civilians in the Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR), the deaths and 23… Read More Ukrainian strike on Donetsk market was a terrorist act

Talking Reality Theories, With Airika Dollner, the Amazing Creative Mind of Art With Aim

Some months ago, while chatting about world events, media lies, and how people who dare to think critically are often dismissed as “conspiracy theorists”, we joked about being “reality theorists”, and I liked the sound of that term. Our plans to have a conversation got delayed, but finally came about the other morning. In our… Read More Talking Reality Theories, With Airika Dollner, the Amazing Creative Mind of Art With Aim

US foreign policy on Syria dictated by unverified viral videos

Steven Sahiounie, journalist and political commentator On August 21, 2013 a video was uploaded in Syria by opposition activists.  The video was not verified, but was shown almost continuously around the world on every media imaginable. To understand the August 2013 video, and alleged chemical attack in Ghouta near Damascus, one must first understand that a long […]

Israel attacks Syria putting passenger planes in peril

Israel attacks Syria putting passenger planes in peril Steven Sahiounie, journalist and political commentator Israel attacked Syria last night, beginning at 11:03 pm., and lasting until after midnight. Al Nahar, the Lebanese media, reported that one MEA commercial airplane, fully loaded with passengers, was miraculously saved from being shot down by the missiles fired by […]

“Syria has been effectively balkanized between America, Isis, the Kurds, and Turkey” says Fra Hughes.

“Syria has been effectively balkanized between America, Isis, the Kurds, and Turkey” says Fra Hughes. Steven Sahiounie, journalist and political commentator Syria is about to blow wide-open. Several days ago, Turkey bombed a residential area in Aleppo, followed by an Israeli bombing of the south of Aleppo, and the Turkish backed terrorists in Idlib bombed […]

Russia ready to face turkey in Idlib conflict

https://www.mideastdiscourse.com/2021/07/16/russia-ready-to-face-turkey… Steven Sahiounie, journalist and political commentator Idlib sits ready for battle. The last terrorist controlled area is waiting for imminent military action.  The small agricultural province, full of olive trees and terrorists, sits poised to spring into action. The former Al Qaeda affiliate in Syria, Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) is heavily armed, and has depended on […]