
‘The last choice to remain safe for the Kurds is to head towards Damascus’, according to Dr. Ahmad Alderzi

Steven Sahiounie, journalist and political commentator   The Syrian conflict is in a stalemate, and wasn’t even mentioned on US President Biden’s recent Middle East trip.  The proxy war in Syria features the US, NATO, EU, Turkey, Iran and Russia all playing roles which vary from conflicting, to competing, and complementing.   While the international […]

Government-Funded CBC Smears Me. Interview With Maverick Media: “CBC Fake News: Hit Piece Targets Journalists (Eva Bartlett)”

Rick Walker had me back on his show (listen to our previous conversation about Ukraine’s kill list), this time to discuss CBC’s deceitful, unprofessional, lie-based, smear piece on me. In the interview, I note how disingenuous the entire piece is, from moment of emailing me to request an interview (no thanks, not interested! I know… Read More Government-Funded CBC Smears Me.

“Sleeping terrorist cells in Syria serve a western agenda”, says Basma Qaddour

Steven Sahiounie, journalist and political commentator   The battlefields in Syria are quiet, but the conflict is far from resolution.  Despite the lack of focus on Syria by the US, EU and NATO, there are still developments in the region and among the various players.  Resolving the Syrian conflict seems to be on the back-burner […]

Will Netanyahu return to lead Israel again?

Steven Sahiounie, journalist and political commentator Israel is heading toward its fifth election in less than four years, as the Bennett-Lapid consensus ends in the Knesset. Prime Minister, Naftali Bennett’s Yamina Party was weakened by significant defections recently between Bennett’s right-wing allies and Arab members of the coalition, which rendered the to a government a […]

Hamas renews ties with Syria, which may signal Qatar repairing its relationship with Damascus

Steven Sahiounie, journalist and political commentator The leader of the group Hamas, Ismail Haniyeh, recently stated that the dispute with Syria is over, and the relationship between Hamas and Damascus is starting a new phase.  He praised Syria for its unwavering support of the Palestinian resistance cause. Hamas ideology is viewed by many as Muslim […]

Interview on Franc Analysis: “Ukraine’s Kill List and What Western Media Ignores About Donetsk Civilians”

With thanks to the wonderful Franco of Franc Analysis for having me on his show yesterday to discuss what corporate-owned media will never discuss: Ukraine’s terrorism of the Donbass, relentlessly bombing cities throughout, targeting civilian infrastructure, killing & maiming civilians, and the kill list Ukraine puts 1000s of dissenting voices on.

Idlib terrorists attack strategic connection between Aleppo and Latakia

Steven Sahiounie, journalist and political commentator The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) repelled an attack by terrorists on Saraqib on Wednesday and in the early hours of Thursday. Saraqib is a city in northwestern Syria, located east of Idlib.  The small city fell to terrorists in 2012 and was liberated by the SAA in 2020. The […]

Syrians live in Turkey without dignity or rights

Steven Sahiounie, journalist and political commentator Suleyman Soylu, Turkish Interior Minister, announced on Saturday new measures affecting Syrians living in Turkey. Firstly, Ankara has banned all Syrians from visiting their relatives in Syria during the upcoming Muslim holiday of Eid al-Adha, which will take place in mid-July.  A similar ban had been applied earlier in […]