
Is Turkey changing course in Idlib?

Steven Sahiounie, journalist and political commentator The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and Russian warplanes shelled positions of Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS), the Al Qaeda affiliate in Syria, on November 6 in Idlib province.  Some of the terrorists killed were: Abdul Minam Muhati, Radwan Hussain Muhayer, Abu Dawoud al-Filistini, Mohammad Ali al-Kadour, Abu Hussein al-Raddad, Abu […]

Arab League priorities clash with the Israeli election outcome

Steven Sahiounie, journalist and political commentator The Arab League met in Algeria for the first time in two years, and their final declaration called for freedom for the Palestinian people who have suffered under a brutal Israeli military occupation for almost six decades.  The meeting of nearly 22 nations across the Middle East and North […]

Israel escalates continual airstrikes in Syria

Steven Sahiounie, journalist and political commentator Israel has carried out hundreds of airstrikes across Syria for many years, and the latest was on October 24 in a rare daytime attack in Damascus.  Israel views Iran as their chief national security threat.  Iran supports the resistance movement against the Israeli occupation of Palestine, and Hezbollah, the […]

US troops in dispute with their terrorist mercenaries in Syria

Steven Sahiounie, journalist and political commentator   The US-employed terrorists, Maghawir al-Thawra (MaT), have turned against their partners, the US Army, stationed at al-Tanf base in the eastern Syrian desert.  On October 4, the terrorists, who are employed as mercenaries by the US military, attempted to break out of the illegal US base using a […]

Pro-regime change journalist Shane Bauer files lawsuit seeking $10 million seized from Iran

Despite their professed opposition to US sanctions, Bauer and his fellow hikers-turned-cellmates stand to benefit handsomely from public assets plundered from Iran by the US government. Over a decade since he rose to prominence as a protagonist in an international drama of espionage and imprisonment, American journalist Shane Bauer and his family filed suit against Iran’s government in a Washington DC-based US District Court, seeking compensation for $10 million in damages resulting from his two year detention in Tehran. Bauer’s […]

“Yankee go home!” Russia, Iran and Turkey agree the US troops must leave Syria

Steven Sahiounie, journalist and political commentator President Recep Tayyip Erdogan of Turkey, President Vladimir Putin of Russia, and President Ebrahim Raisi of Iran held talks yesterday in Tehran at the 7th Astana summit for peace in Syria, stressing the need for respecting Syria’s national sovereignty and territorial integrity. The summits date from January 2017, and […]

Damascus and the Kurds align militarily to face the Turkish threat

Steven Sahiounie, journalist and political commentator The Syrian Defense Forces (SDF) in the northeastern region of Syria have raised up the Syrian flag which represents the government in Damascus for the first time in years.  The SDF have been partnered with the US military in the fight against ISIS, but are now facing an even […]