
Brzezinski: Syria Intervention Will Only Make it Worse

Writing at Time magazine in response to an article by John McCain advocating US intervention in Syria, Zbigniew Brzezinski – not exactly a peacenik – argues that “the Syrian conflict is a sectarian war in a volatile region whose potential to spread and directly threaten American interests would only be increased by U.S. intervention.”

Did Israel Nuke Syria? "Nuclear Rogue" By Jim Stone

Anyone with 1/2 a measure of intelligence knows that Israel indeed is a nuclear weapons nation, and that it would use these weapons in an instant according to its INSANE Samson Option against most nations on planet Earth in a true holocaust where they clearly state that "If We are ever in danger of going down... We will take 1/2 the world with us!"....  Such is the insanity and immorality of this dangerous terrorist nation...Recently I came across several videos that were sent to me, asking for my honest opinion, and I was truly shocked...

US/Russia meeting. Israel bombings & FSA goes to US meets Hagel & AIPAC

 With two updates! One for the Canadians...............Israel bombs Syria with depleted uranium bombs, which would be a war crime if it was anyone else..Unless something changes..it appears we are looking at an expansion of war.So it begins.....going long read to the end!Hoping everyone noticed that immediately after Israel struck Damascus, aiding the NATO Islamic army of terrorists, the news fell off the proverbial front page?Strike anyone as odd? Israel didn’t gloat, which they usually do.In fact Israel went to lengths to downplay what had happened??

A Quiz To See How Badly Your Brain Is Infected By Zionism!

I have been indeed watching the events unfolding in Syria over the last few days with deep disgust... I am truly shocked that the American government and its Jewish controlled media continues to propagate the outright LIE that this unjustifiable attack by the criminal and terrorist state of Israel against the innocent nation of Syria was due to the need to "stop weapons transfers into Lebanon"...