
Islamist militants to safety by UN agreement with Syria’s Government

Conflicting Reports about new settlement in the Syrian crises between the government and Wae’r based rebels in Homs, Sponsored by the United Nations.
Homs’ governor Talal Al-Barazi will take a part as the Representative of the Syrian regime, he told AFP that meeting will be held in his office attended by a delegation of ( Armed and Non Armed opposition)  from Al-Waer district and representatives of the United Nations in order to install the previous agreements on a final settlement in the neighborhood.

President al-Assad’s speech to Rossiya 24 TV channel

President al-Assad’s speech to Rossiya 24 TV channel

Damascus, (SANA), September 13, 2013 – President Bashar al-Assad gave a speech to Rossiya 24 TV channel. Following is the full text of the speech.
Interviewer: Why did Syria agree to the Russian initiative which proposes handing over its chemical weapons to the international community? Why so rapidly?