
Syrian army gains upper hand in Damascus fighting (VIDEO)

Latest reports from the fighting in eastern Damascus say that the Syrian army has successfully recovered all the strong points captured by the Jihadis in their attack of yesterday.
In particular the Syrian troops have recaptured the ‘Fabric Factory’ – captured by the Jihadis yesterday – which is a lynchpin of Syrian defences in the area.
The following video shows the Syrian army’s counter-attack, including its use of tanks and armoured vehicles

Syria War: Damascus Hit With Fresh Assault By Militants

Syrian government forces on Monday regained control of parts of Damascus that were attacked and captured by rebels and militants the previous day, with the two-day fighting leaving dozens dead on both sides. (SANA via AP)
Rebels on Tuesday launched a fresh assault on east Damascus, two days after Syrian government forces repelled an initial attack just a few kilometers from the center of the capital.

Syrian military repels Jihadi attack on eastern Damascus

Jihadis fighters affiliated to Al-Qaeda launched a surprise attack on eastern Damascus today.
This attack comes after weeks of Jihadi defeats in and around Damascus, with the Syrian army steadily driving Jihadi fighters away from the Damascus countryside.  The result has been to leave Damascus far more secure than it has been ever since the first big Jihadi offensive – Operation Damascus Volcano – launched by the Jihadis in June 2012.

Syrian political commentator Afraa Dagher speaks with The Duran’s Adam Garrie

I recently had the privilege of interviewing Syrian political commentator Afraa Dagher. Throughout the conflict she has written pieces on the reality of this much misunderstood war as well as made appearances on a variety of global media outlets, including RT.
She is a patriotic Syrian whose words are deeply valuable to boththe friends and foes of Syria, many of whom rely exclusively on non-Syrians for news and analysis about the country and its struggle.
Here is what she had to say.

Two Suicide Bombs Rock Damascus – As the West’s Dirty War Enters Its Seventh Year

21st Century Wire says…
So long as the West and its Gulf allies, along with Turkey, continue supporting terrorism in Syria, then this war will continue to rage on and take more innocent lives. 
Initial reports from State news agency SANA cited the Damascus police citing at least 32 dead, and another 102 injured at courthouse, and a further 28 injured in the restaurant targeted by ‘rebel’ terrorists.
As earlier reports are updated, casualty numbers are expected to rise sharply.