
Syrian Forces Launch Ground Offensive Into Rebel-Held Eastern Ghouta

(ANTIWAR.COM) — After a week and a half of strikes softening up the area, and killing large numbers of civilian bystanders, Syrian ground troops launched an offensive on Wednesday into the rebel enclave of Eastern Ghouta. Eastern Ghouta, a suburb of the capital city of Damascus, is the last substantial rebel-held territory in the area, which has been […]

UN to vote on urgent help for Syria’s Eastern Ghouta

Russia has vetoed several draft resolutions on Syria which it says are unfair and biased, often following “fabricated” evidence [Xinhua]The United Nations Security Council is expected to vote on a new resolution calling for a 30-day ceasefire in Syria, following reports of heavy fighting and mass casualties near the capital Damascus.
Russia had called for the Security Council to meet to discuss the resolution, while Kuwait and Sweden called for a vote.

Exclusive: The Silent Killer of Children in Syria Nobody Wants to Talk About

(ANTIMEDIA) — Western-imposed sanctions are making basic necessities almost impossible to come by in Syria, killing innocent children in the process, sources tell Anti-Media. According to Tom Duggan, a British journalist who has lived in Damascus for approximately five years, sanctions have made everyday objects incredibly difficult to obtain, including items and accessories the rest of us would […]

US Prepared to Take Military Action Against Syrian Government Forces, Officials Warn

(MEE) — The Trump administration is prepared to again take military action against Syrian government forces if necessary to deter the use of chemical weapons and is concerned they may be developing new methods to deliver such weapons, senior US officials said on Thursday. Forces loyal to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad have continued occasional use of chemical […]