
COVID Church closures Part II – In light of Christian history

In part I of this series, we began to examine the present issue of Church closures in the West – Europe and the United States in particular, in response to the coronavirus pandemic and its accompanying illness, COVID-19. We tried to detach the hysteria and hype from this, and rather than make it a screed about the intrusion of the Dark Side upon the religious Christian right, we wanted to test current events against the following questions:

Highlighting the Peace Damascus Missed for Years When Under Terrorists’ Mortars

As I mentioned at the beginning of this clip, when in Syria as a journalist it usually takes 3 or so days to acquire the necessary permissions to go to areas outside Damascus (or rather, areas outside of Damascus where there is a risk due to presence of terrorists, terrorists bombings, or their landmines).
During this time, instead of loitering I try to interview average Syrian civilians, sometimes artisans, and otherwise love walking alone in the meandering back lanes, absorbing the atmosphere–whether daytime or evening.

Video Updates From Syria, Where Peace Reigns Nearly Fully Again


New Year’s Eve 2018 in Syria

Throughout the evening, I walked around Damascus neighbourhoods,  watching Syrians celebrate and talking with people, some of which I  caught on camera.
This is a compilation of scenes from New Year’s Eve in Syria, where the  pulse of life was stronger than I’ve ever seen over the years.
May 2019 bring full peace back to this beautiful country and its  wonderful people.

Is Turkey gearing up to invade Syria and wipe out the Kurds? (Video)

The Duran’s Alex Christoforou and Editor-in-Chief Alexander Mercouris discuss reports that suggest now that the US is pulling out of Syria, Turkey is readying a military incursion into northern Syria. Recent footage released by a Turkish news agency shows a convoy of army vehicles approaching the Syrian border.
Is Erdogan about to enter Syria, wipe out the Kurds and occupy the north of the country?
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