
Daesh oil sales fall thanks to Russian airstrikes in Syria

Press TV – October 31, 2015 Russian airstrikes against Takfiri positions in Syria have resulted in a swift decline in oil sales by the terrorist group, says a French official. ISIL-controlled oil sales “have declined significantly in recent weeks due to the Russian campaign in Syria,” Russia’s Sputnik quoted a French National Assembly Defense Commission […]

The Killing of Serena Shim & the ‘Suicide’ of Former BBC Journalist Jackie Sutton…

The Burning Blogger of Bedlam | October 20, 2015 Exactly a year ago – on October 19th, 2014 – the journalist Serena Shim was killed after reporting from Kobani in Syria as a war correspondent. Her death was almost certainly the work of the Turkish intelligence community. It’s a rather remarkable, and depressing, ‘coincidence’ that […]

Syria ‘opposition’ says will boycott UN-backed peace negotiations

Press TV – October 11, 2015 Syria’s main foreign-backed opposition group says it plans to boycott peace negotiations proposed by the United Nations in protest against Russian airstrikes in the Arab country. The so-called Syrian National Coalition (SNC) made the announcement in a statement on Sunday, saying it did not favor the talks proposed by […]

Turkish journalist detained over tweets critical of Erdogan

Press TV – October 10, 2015 Turkish police have arrested the editor-in-chief of the English-language newspaper, Today’s Zaman, for reportedly posting a series of tweets critical of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. Bulent Kenes was detained after police raided the newspaper’s headquarters in the Turkish city of Istanbul on Friday. The detention was televised live, while […]

US slams Russia for striking terrorists

Press TV | October 7, 2015 The United States has condemned Russia for striking the Western-backed militants in Syria and denied that it is cooperating with Moscow in this regard. Speaking at a press conference in Rome, Italy, on Wednesday, US Defense Secretary Ashton Carter called the airstrikes against terrorists “a fundamental mistake”. “I have […]

Putin slams ‘illegal’ US support for militants in Syria

Press TV | September 27, 2015 Russian President Vladimir Putin has denounced US support for militants in Syria as illegal and ineffective. “In my opinion, provision of military support to illegal structures runs counter to the principles of modern international law and the United Nations Charter,” he told US media on Sunday ahead of a […]

Hamas: PA and Israel are behind anti-Hamas Daesh video

Salah Bardawil MEMO | September 4, 2015 The Palestinian Authority and Israeli intelligence services are behind messages in which Daesh members make threats against Hamas and accuse it of blasphemy, a senior Hamas leader has said. In statements to Quds Press, Salah Bardawil downplayed the importance of videos which apparently show Daesh members making threats […]

International Solidarity Movement honors Kayla Mueller

International Solidarity Movement | February 9, 2015 Occupied Palestine – Kayla Mueller volunteered with the International Solidarity Movement from August to September of 2010. Kayla, sitting under a poster of Ashraf Abu Rahma from Bil’in. On 4 August 2013 Kayla, 26, originally from Prescott, Arizona, was working with Syrian refugees when she was kidnapped after leaving […]