
Turkey Provokes Russia with Shoot-down

By Robert Parry | Consortium News | November 24, 2015 President Barack Obama – always sensitive to neocon criticism that he’s “weak” – continues to edge the world closer to a nuclear confrontation with Russia as he talks tough and tolerates more provocations against Moscow, now including Turkey’s intentional shoot-down of a Russian warplane along the […]

Russia to deploy S-400 missile defense systems to Syria: Defense minister

Press TV – November 25, 2015 Russia will be deploying S-400 missile defense systems to Syria, the Russian defense minister says. “The S-400 anti-aircraft missile system will be deployed to the Hmeimim airbase,” Sergei Shoigu said on Wednesday, referring to the Russian airbase outside the port city of Latakia in western Syria. The system is […]

PARIS & the City of ‘ISIS’: Major Occult Symbolism, Hypnosis & the Massive Psy-Op Now Underway…

The Burning Blogger Of Bedlam | November 24, 2015 A week now after the attacks in Paris that news broadcasters keep telling us has “changed the world forever”, it looks less and less likely that this was a straightforward ISIL terrorist attack and more likely that something much more sinister may have gone on. And […]

ISIL Created by US Interventionism, Saudi Money & Wahhabi Ideology – Assad

Sputnik – 22.11.2015 Commenting on the origins of the Islamist terrorism plaguing the Middle East, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad noted that terror groups including Al-Qaeda and ISIL have been able to find fertile soil in Iraq as a result of US interventionism, with Saudi oil money and their poisonous Wahhabi ideology nurturing the groups and […]

One civilian dead, four injured in southeast Turkey clashes

Press TV – November 16, 2015 At least one civilian has been killed and four others have been injured in new clashes between Turkish security forces and members of the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) in Turkey’s southeastern province of Mardin. Police sources, speaking on condition of anonymity, said the clashes broke out in the city […]