Czech Republic

Czech Parliament approves open-carry gun law to fight terrorism

Gun control advocates in the US often paint Europe as a kind of gun free paradise, where only terrorists carry weapons.
The truth is rather different. Czech Republic for example provides responsible adults with permits that allow one to carry two concealed handguns. The rates of concealed carry permits in the Czech Republic are higher per capita than that of the US, although overall per capita firearm ownership is higher in the US.

“A Liberated Area in the Middle East”?: Western Imperialism in Rojava

Over 17.1 million live in a socially democratic, secular state, the Syrian Arab Republic, ravaged by overt and covert imperialist machinations supported by Turkey, the Gulf autocracies, and the Western capitalist states. Their government is led by the National Progressive Front (NPF), with its most foremost party the Arab Socialist Ba’ath Party which is joined by numerous radical and socially progressive parties.

US hackers target Czech Republic President with child pornography files

Russia hacking zero evidence. US hacking, evidence.
Czech news Právo is reporting that a computer belonging to the president of the Czech Republic, Milos Zeman, was hacked Monday, resulting in the installation of content containing child pornography.
On the US hacker attack, the Czech president stated…

“I turned on my computer and looked in disbelief for about 10 seconds at what was happening, before I realized that it was a hacker attack.”

15 European leaders call for new arms deal with Russia

RT | November 26, 2016 Fifteen European countries, headed by Germany, have issued a statement pushing for the reopening of “a new structured dialogue” with Russia aimed at preventing a possible arms race in Europe, according to the German foreign minister. The countries, all belonging to the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), […]

The War on UNESCO

Did Italian Prime Minister, Matteo Renzi, actually read the full text of the UNESCO resolution on Palestine and Israel, before he raved with anger?
“I think this is a mistaken, inconceivable resolution,” he said.
“It is not possible to continue with these resolutions at the UN and UNESCO that aim to attack Israel. It is shocking and I have ordered that we stop taking this position (his country’s abstention) even if it means diverging from the position taken by the rest of Europe,” he added.

The European Troublemakers

During a three-month period in 2015, August until October, one could not open a newspaper, turn on a television or visit a news website without being subjected to reports on the mounting wave of refugees coming to the European Union from countries such as Syria, Iraq or Libya. The majority of reports in the media covered the responses of EU countries such as Germany or France. A number of reports debated the state of Greece and its handling of the refugee influx.