
The US Is Waging Cyber Warfare In Thailand Under The Guise Of Activism

The threat of cyberterrorism has competed for center stage in American politics with fears of “Russian hackers” disrupting everything from elections to electrical grids. And yet as US policymakers wield threats of cyberterrorism to promote a long and growing list of countermeasures and pretexts for expanding its conflict with Moscow, it is simultaneously promoting very real cyberterrorism globally.
Worst of all, it does so under the guise of “activism.”

Could Hackers Really Hijack Your Medical Device?

No one likes to think about a hacker sitting in a basement somewhere downloading your personal information. Imagine you just had a pacemaker installed, only to find out that there is a potential for someone to hack into the device to control its functions. Well, that is a real possibility. The new term for this activity is “medjacking,” or medical device hijacking.