Cyber Attack

US Admits to Implanting Cyberweapons in Critical Russian Infrastructure

(ANTIWAR.COMA new report from the Washington Post today quoted a series of Obama Administration officials reiterating their official narrative on Russia’s accused hacking of the 2016 election. While most of the article is simply rehashes and calls for sanctions, they also revealed a secret order by President Obama in the course of “retaliation” for the alleged hacking.

SPRING CLEANING: New Wikileaks Vault 7 Release Claims CIA’s ‘Marble’ Disguises Hacking as Other Nations

21st Century Wire says…
Over the past month, Wikileaks reportedly gathered much of the CIA’s cyber hacking capabilities in their Wikileaks ‘Vault 7’ publication under the moniker Year Zero. Now the transparency seeking website, has published 676 source code files  for the CIA’s secret anti-forensic Marble Framework,” in part 3 of its series. 

CIA Capable of Cyber ‘False Flag’ to Blame Russia

(MPN) Washington, D.C. – Earlier today, Wikileaks once again made headlines following its release of the “largest ever publication of U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) documents.” The massive release – just the first batch in a trove of documents code-named “Vault 7” by Wikileaks – details the CIA’s global covert hacking program and its arsenal of weaponized exploits.

French Presidential Candidate: ‘Fake News’ & ‘Russian Hack’ – The New Political Cry Wolf

21st Century Wire says…
The French candidate, Emmanuel Macron, who is being hyped by the European and French establishment, seems to be borrowing a tactic from the leftist media and Hillary Clinton campaign. Some might say a bold, or perhaps slightly misguided move by the French candidate considering how it failed the Clinton campaign and the mainstream media in the wake of their loss to Donald Trump in the recent US elections.