
John McAfee on Hacking Smartphones and Why BITCOIN is Here to Stay

The world of personal digital devices is moving at a rapid rate and few cyber pundits are as well positioned to comment on all of these developments – as cyber security expert John McAfee. 
While attending an international tech conference in Romania, McAfee discusses a number of important personal privacy issues,  including how hackers can access your smartphone and why, and the safety of crypto-currencies in today’s world of data-mining, along with trojan horses, the strategy behind malware and remote cyber attacks.

LIONEL PODCAST: The Obama “State of Emergency” Shreds the Constitution Again!

The Executive Order. POTUS Barry Obama signed the referenced infra, a “state of emergency,” giving your United States government the unfettered red light to sanction suspected cyber-criminals with inter alia financial and travel restrictions as well as civil asset seizure and forfeiture. Uh oh. But what this is about is a blatant power grab on so many levels. The government let the genie get out of the bottle when DARPA constructed the Internet in the early 60s.