Custodial Deaths

Custodial Death Is Not Just A Murder

In a democratic country like India, custodial death, being a regular occurrence, raises question of our system.  Custodial Violence is never acceptable in our civilized society. But it is a matter of regret that our educated and civilised masses are not concerned about it in any way. Further, while the allegations of custodial death are rising in the state day[Read More...]

Murders passed off as Deaths

We call Gandhi as Father of our nation, who preached non-violence, but police stations remain mothers of custodial violence throughout the country. *** During 17 years till 2018, 1727 persons died in custodial violence in India. Just they were killed. According to data released by National Crime Records Bureau NCRB, 26 policemen were convicted. Some critics described only 26 are[Read More...]

CCTV could have prevented custodial murder

The rule of law is under a serious challenge since the inception of Constitution of India, as far as killings in police custody are concerned. The Supreme Court recently ordered installation of CCTV cameras in every place of custodial activity under the control of the police. But it appears no state or no police personnel have taken a serious note[Read More...]

The agony of the Pet dog of Jayaraj and Bennix the two who were done to death in Police Custody

The agony of the Pet dog of Jayaraj and Bennix the two who were done to death in Police Custody , is seeking the spine of Justice.   The unbearable tragedy has rendered Tomy, the pet dog reared affectionately by Bennix and Jayaraj. totally drained and exhausted. Jayaraj and Bennix were brutally tortured and killed in Police Custody by the[Read More...]

Why deaths occur in police custody everyday in India?

By the way, the Indian police, created by the British and operating under the Police Act of the same time, remains in the news and discussion everyday for its brutality, autocracy and anti-law activities. But recently it came up in the context of the police brutal murder of George Floyd in the US and in India in the context of[Read More...]