
Most Sheriffs in Southern California Refuse to Enforce Governor Newsom’s New 10 PM Curfew

San Bernardino, Orange, Ventura, & Riverside County Sheriffs will not enforce the curfew order. The Los Angeles Sheriff will take a voluntary compliance approach, will not make any arrests related to order. Several of the sheriffs are refusing to enforce the curfew, questioning the constitutionality of the edict.

No Entrance: Baseball, Baltimore Style

What if they played a professional baseball game, but excluded the public? Sound Kafkaesque? Welcome to Baltimore, 2015!
To close a baseball game to the public and lock the fans out is representative of the state of “democracy” in the United States today. The Baseball Czars decided that playing to rows of empty seats was more important and consistent with “American values” than having an actual baseball game. First, Baltimore issued a curfew for the citizens of the city; then they closed their schools; and then they closed the ballpark.