
Researchers Warn Americans to be Wary of “Stem Cell Tourism”

Stem cells hold a lot of promise when it comes to healing the body, but too many people, believing stem cell research to be the holy grail of medical science, are willing to try untested procedures in an effort to treat what ails them.
That’s why Ohio State University scientists are calling on doctors to educate their patients about scientifically unproven stem cell treatments. They say a growing number of patients with incurable diseases are traveling the world looking for a solution, but what they find could wind up making them sicker. [1]

10 Reasons You Really Need to Be Eating Black Seed

There are many multi-purpose plants and herbs out there one can utilize for achieving total wellness. One of those natural medicines is black seed, otherwise known as Nigella sativa or black cumin. In fact, black seed health benefits are so far-reaching that it has been deemed the ‘remedy for everything but death.’
Read on to find out 10 ways that Nigella sativa can help invigorate your body and heal you:

Video: How I Cured My Own Disease After My Doctor ‘Called Me Crazy’

After I was diagnosed with Lyme Disease several years ago, I asked my doctor if there was anything at all I could do to help fight the disease beyond the mega dose steroids he was giving me at the time. I was definitely concerned when he told me that certainly was nothing else I could do personally, but it wasn’t until I went to sleep at 5 PM and woke up at 5PM the next day did I decide that it was time to take my health into my own hands.