
Who are these ‘Hindus’? The Tragedy of Vizhinjam and the Despicable Cruelty of the Majority

The struggle against the ecologically-fatal Adani seaport being built at the seaside village of Vizhinjam in south Kerala is probably the first large-scale instance of ‘accumulation by dispossession’ in the history of this state. The state — the ruling government, the police, and judiciary — hold hands now in their effort to dispossess the large … Continue reading Who are these ‘Hindus’?

A Few Remarks On The Absence of Scientific Temper in the Land of Bose, Raman, and Salam

Guest Post by Ravi Sinha [I must begin with a “thank you” to the Indian Diaspora of Washington DC* and to Razi Saheb for letting me say a few words here. It is an honour for me to share the dais, even if virtually, with Gauhar Raza and Pervez Hoodbhoy. I was stressed about Razi … Continue reading A Few Remarks On The Absence of Scientific Temper in the Land of Bose, Raman, and Salam →

The Two-Nation Theory, Partition and the Consequences – Prof Ishtiaq Ahmed

 Prof Ishtiaq Ahmed, Professor Emeritus of Political Science, Stockholm University and a leading authority on the Politics of South Asia and an eminent author will deliver next lecture (21 st one) in the Democracy Dialogues Series, organised by New Socialist Initiative He will be speaking on ‘The Two-Nation Theory, Partition and the Consequences’ on Sunday, 27 … Continue reading The Two-Nation Theory, Partition and the Consequences – Prof Ishtiaq Ahmed →

Great Reset, Russia, Ukraine & Western Geopolitical Strategies – Col Douglas MacGregor / Jay Dyer

“Col. Douglas Macgregor is a decorated combat veteran, the author of five books, a PhD, and a defense and foreign policy consultant. He was commissioned in the Regular Army in 1976 after 1 year at VMI and 4 years at West Point. In 2004, Macgregor retired with the rank of Colonel. In 2020, the President […]

Pewdiepie Wars, Massive Trolls & Wasted Life – Philosopher of Comedy BG Kumbi / Jay Dyer (Half)

Philosopher of comedy BG Kumbi joins me for a coming out party! BG is infamous for his YouTube wars with Pewdiepie as well as infamous Fox News level trolling that propelled him to internet diva status like myself. BG is a comedy genius and I was lucky enough to score an interview concerning his greatest […]