
Europe’s latest illiberal democracy: Greece! – New Statesman

“Like lambs to the slaughter” was how an elderly neighbour described the deaths of youngsters travelling on Intercity 62 which, on the night of 28 February, crashed head-on with a freight train in Greece killing 57 people. Many of the dead were students returning after a long weekend from Athens to their universities in Thessaloniki. […]

On the shameful deal Osborne-Mitsotakis are hammering out over the Parthenon antiquities – UNHERD

From the very beginning, Elgin’s removal of the Parthenon’s statues and friezes caused something of a discursive British civil war. On one side were humanists, like Lord Byron; on the other were Empire apologists, who defend Elgin’s actions and support the British Museum’s inalienable property rights to the artefacts it, eventually, purchased from him. Over […]

Science as a Cultural Ideal – Ravi Sinha

Theme : Science as a Cultural Ideal Despite frequent misgivings about universal claims of modern science and despite it being taken often as an accomplice of western imperialism, it is impossible for any culture or civilization to avoid science or to create a culturally distinct version of it. And yet, how does science seep into … Continue reading Science as a Cultural Ideal – Ravi Sinha →

When Does Democracy Undermines Itself : Dr Ravi Sinha

Dear Friends New Socialist Initiative ( NSI) South, recently organised two lectures by one of its senior Comrades Dr Ravi Sinha in Hyderabad.  First lecture was on ‘Fascism and Democratic Polity : How Did India Land in This Crisis ?‘ and the second lecture was on ‘When Does Democracy Undermines Itself ?‘ Here is a … Continue reading When Does Democracy Undermines Itself : Dr Ravi Sinha →

Fascism and Democratic Polity : How Did India Land in This Crisis ? – Dr Ravi Sinha

New Socialist Initiative ( NSI) South, recently organised two lectures by one of its senior Comrades Dr Ravi Sinha in Hyderabad.  First lecture was on ‘Fascism and Democratic Polity : How Did India Land in This Crisis ?‘ and the second lecture was on ‘How Does Democracy Undermines Itself ?‘ Here is a YouTube Link … Continue reading Fascism and Democratic Polity : How Did India Land in This Crisis ? – Dr Ravi Sinha →

Top 10 CRAZY Cult Films You’ve Never Seen! Jay & Jamie

We’ve all seen the classic, popular films about cults like Eyes Wide Shut or Rosemary’s Baby, but there are several lesser known, forgotten or obscure films about cults that are worth perusing. We found 10 specimens that we have ranked from 10 to 1 with a breakdown and analysis of each. LIVE THURSDAY 8PM CST […]
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How Religious Institutions Are Subverted: State, Intelligence & Foundation Funding – Jay Dyer

Today we return to a crucial subject that is even more in focus given the last 3 years’ events, warfar3 in certain regions and the prevalence of institutional capture becoming more and more overt. Institutional capture refers to the covert and overt technique of infiltration, subversion and eventual coopting of existing institutions by rival or […]

Big Tech, Conservative media & adjudication of information vs. sources w/ Jason Bermas & Jay Dyer | The Courtenay Turner Podcast

In this episode, Courtenay invites Jason Bermas and Jay Dyer back to the show to meet each other in person for an important conversation on censorship. More so, how personalities are being revered over the information being presented. This psychological influence and subconscious power control has caused many to disregard vital facts because of the […]

हिंदी प्रदेश : प्रगतिशीलता की विरासत – प्रोफेसर बजरंग तिवारी

विषय : हिंदी प्रदेश : प्रगतिशीलता की विरासत इस व्याख्यान में निम्न पहलुओं को समेटने की कोशिश रहेगी – अर्वाचीन बोध क्या है? हिंदी प्रदेश में इसकी बुनियाद को कैसे समझें ? छठी से ग्यारहवीं शताब्दी का दौर। भक्ति आंदोलन के दौर में क्या बदलाव हुए ? कला और साहित्य में दरबारीपन को कैसे समझें ?