Culture of Corruption

What Does "Bipartisan" Mean To Status Quo Joe? "Nothing Would Fundamentally Change"

Would it surprise you to read that Status Quo Joe is trying to woo lots of Republican donors? It shouldn't-- and he is. What it should do, however, is alarm you. What's Biden telling these Republican millionaires and billionaires about how he'll govern the country? He could be saying "Just look at my record." Or is he going further? He's the only top contender not calling for Trump's impeachment.

Congressmembers Solicit Big Campaign Contributions, Retire And Then Illegally Access The Cash-- And It's All "Legal"

Back in the day, Ventura Republican congressman Elton Gallegly was a regular-- albeit minor-- character here at DWT... a crooked little shit and a worthless backbencher. He was like a barnacle on the ass of more outrageously crooked colleagues like Buck McKeon, especially when it came to the Countrywide bribery scandal.

Tennessee Is Finding Out Why One Party Rule Doesn't Work Out Well

How do you measure how red a state is. Well, there's the PVI, of course. Tennessee's is R+14. Only Wyoming, West Virginia, Utah, Oklahoma, North Dakota, Kentucky and Arkansas are worse. Trump's victory over Hillary was a rout-- 1,522,925 (60.7%) to 870,695 (34.7%). Trump won 92 of Tennessee's 95 counties. The only 20th Century presidents to do as well as Trump were Nixon (against MCGovern) and FDR. Currently, all six of the state's executive officers-- from governor to comptroller of the Treasury-- are Republicans.

Overall, Who Is The Worst Democrat In The House? Hint: He Represents The Bada Bing Strip Club In Lodi, New Jersey

Many Americans are unaware of just how important an event in world history the French Revolution was. Before we talk about what Ryan Grim termed a counterrevolution for an The Intercept piece about reactionary Blue Dog and DINO Josh Gottheimer, let's remember, for a little context, that the French Revolution, gave hope to all Europe other than to the nobles, ecclesiastics, and some bourgeois (the 1%).