Culture of Corruption

The DNC And DCCC-- Always Eager To Cede The Moral High Ground

I want to reference Tom's post from Thursday, a reminder of how the DNC's attorneys told a court that "We do not owe voters an impartial or evenhanded primary election." It was part of a DNC defense of Debbie Wasserman Schultz and her DNC cronies-- many of whom are still part of the DNC-- stealing the presidential nominat

In Biden's Disgusting, Corrupt Universe-- Let Me Quote Him Directly-- "Lobbyists Aren't Bad People"

Democratic primary voters, if you love your country, do NOT do it to us againYou know, it doesn't really matter-- in terms of electability-- that Status Quo Joe is popular in South Carolina or Mississippi or any other red hell-hole where the electorate is so conservative that Democrats have ZERO chance in 2020.

Trump Is Pretending He Wants To Finally Help With Out-Of-Control Drug Prices

After my successful cancer treatment-- which included a full stem cell replacement operation-- I quickly realized I would be taking a lot of drugs for the rest of my life, including some very expensive ones. I was looking at-- even with insurance (Medicare Part D, the one part of Medicare-- written and passed strictly by Republicans-- that sucks) thousands of dollars a month.

How Does The NRCC Target And Attack?-- Especially Now That The DCCC Has Practically Ceased To Exist

HR-1 was supposed to be Pelosi's big reform legislation to start off her new speakership. No one imagined #MoscowMitch would ever allow a vote in the Senate, so HR-1 will never be enacted until the Democrats take back the Senate-- and the White House. It takes some necessary steps towards reform, but not nearly enough.

Paul Krugman Probably Doesn’t Realize He Just Summarized What Joe Biden Has On Offer

On Saturday Paul Krugman wrote in his NY Times column that this week he will be “participating in an Economic Policy Institute conference on ‘excessive wealth disorder’— the problems and dangers created by extreme concentration of income and wealth at the top.” Notes On Excessive Wealth Disorder— How Not To Repeat The Mistakes Of 2011 deals not so much with t