Culture of Corruption

Happy Grammys Day Tomorrow

I'm not in the music business any longer. I remember when I told my boss I was leaving, I told him the thing I most wanted to never have to have anything to do with was the Grammys. First of all, I was joyful I would never have to be a prop in their TV show any longer. You can't imagine how boring it is to go to that thing year after year. Sure, once is exciting and twice is ok... but year after year after year? Even I have better ways to spend my time. Worse was serving on one of their selection committees, as I did for a few years.

Unlike Ordinary Voters, Steny Hoyer Doesn't Think The House Democrats Are Corrupt Enough

Voters hate both parties-- the Democrats a few points less than the Republicans. But apparently, the Democrats would like to catch up with the Republicans in the low esteem department-- and before the election. This week, The Economist released a new poll by YouGov that asked respondents what they think of both political parties.

Mammas, Don’t Let Your Babies Grow Up To Be Lobbyists

In the 1970s, Gallup began polling to see what Americans think of honesty and ethics in various professions. Generally speaking, nurses have toped the list. And towards the bottom have been business executives and stockbrokers (each with a 32% low or very low rating), advertising practitioners (37%), car salespeople (44%) telemarketers (56%), and members of Congress (58%).In 2007, they may have been looking for a profession with even less regard than members of Congress, so they added lobbyists.

Most Of The Democratic Candidates For President Are Part Of The Problem, Not Part Of The Solution

It's worth watching this Bernie endorsement video by Illinois state Senator Robert Peters, the former political director of Reclaim Chicago and the young man who now represents the Chicago district Obama used to represent. Biden has big lists of worthless politicians who have been endorsing him, generally mean nd women whose endorsement would want to make people run in the opposite direction.

Trump's Swamp Is Worse Than Even Harding's And Grant's Administrations Combined!

Last year USA Today columnist Paul Brandus reminded his readers that "We’ve had presidents who were used by members of their own family for personal gain, like Ulysses S. Grant. We’ve had presidents who stocked their Cabinet with greedy, self-serving mediocrities who took advantage of the public trust, like Warren G.

Who-- Meaning What Government-- Was Immad Zuberi Working For?

You probably never heard of venture capitalist Immad Zuberi-- unless you work for political campaigns hungry for money. He has been a cash cow, mostly for Republicans, but for corporate Democrats as well. The Feds got him after he donated $900,000 to Trump's inaugural committee-- a bribe that went right into Trump's pockets.