Culture of Corruption

Annoying-- Some Would Say Unbearable-- Solicitation Calls Are Back

Pallone pretends he opposes robocalls but he keeps taking their bribes and pretendingI imagine they stopped for a couple of months because call centers closed down. But I've noticed the calls identified with a "V" on my landline's screen-- solicitation calls and robocalls-- are back. It's just one or two a day now, down from 20-25 a day.

About Those Members Of Congress Trading On Insider Information...

Eggs seem mighty expensive lately, don't they? Profiteering under cover of a national emergency is a crime, isn't it? I believe prices are only allowed to go up 10% in a situation like the one we find ourselves in today. I don't think anyone is enforcing that. As for Congress... well, it's filled with scoundrels and thieves. And the White House...

Remember Duncan Hunter-- The Crooked Son, Not The Crooked Father?

Yesterday Morgan Cook and Jeff McDonald, San Diego Union-Tribune reporters, took their readers out of COVID-19 head and back to political corruption for a few moments. Duncan Hunter, then the only Republican congressman left in the San Diego area-- snagging the seat when his just-as-corrupt father suddenly announced his retirement-- was caught by the FEC using large amounts of campaign funds for personal expenses.

An Invisible Hand In The Miraculous Resuscitation Of The Comeback Codger?

Yesterday, Bernie told the media that "what has become more and more apparent, with each passing primary, is that while we are currently trailing in the delegate count, we are strongly winning the debate about the future of our country. In poll after poll after poll, including exit polls, a strong majority of the American people support our progressive agenda. The American people are deeply concerned about the grotesque levels of income and wealth inequality in this country. The American people believe it is time for the wealthy and profitable corporations to be paying their fair share.

Corruption Isn't A Complicated Thing-- But Few Politicians Pay For Their Crimes, Even When Caught Red-Handed

I do a radio show with David Feldman every week and yesterday he asked me to go off on Jim Clyburn (D-SC) and I said he's not especially more corrupt than anyone who's been in Congress as long as he is. He's been there long enough to become a criminal . The example I used was his acceptance of $2,387,755 in bribes from the Industrial Health Complex which he just paid back by undermining-- perhaps mortally-- Bernie's presidential campaign for them. Feldman asked me if that was really a bribe.