People My Age Should Be Celebrating Their Better Selves By Embracing Bernie And Rejecting Trump And The Democrats' B-Team-- Biden, Buttigieg And Bloomberg

On Christmas Eve, the Washington Post published a report by Sarah Pullian Bailey about the civil war inside American evangelism sparked by the now widely-know Christianity Today editorial on the Trump’s immorality and unfitness to serve in office (including an unambiguous call to the Senate to remove him from offi

Sometimes I Cry When I Write-- This Was One Of Those Times... But Not Because John Bolton Was Fired

Early this morning, Señor T tweeted that he had fired Bolton. Can you think of another good thing he's done this year? Don't worry, less than 40% of voting age American can either. According to the new Washington Post/ABC News poll, Trump's job approval is down to 38%. 56% disapprove.

There Was A Red Wave-- In Ohio

You know where there was no blue wave this cycle? Ohio-- not even a ripple. It was another status quo election in Ohio, as though nothing at all was going on in the country-- nothing at all. Just... same ole/same ole. All the incumbents in the gerrymandered congressional districts-- each one carefully designed to return incumbents-- were reelected. And in the one contest where there was no incumbent, the party stayed the same.

Teach Your Children Well

I was a dj on my college radio station, WUSB. I was also the chairman of the Student Activities Board and put on all these great concerts by bands like the Doors, Jimi Hendrix, the Dead, the Airplane, the Byrds, Joni Mitchell, Otis Redding, The Four Tops, Ravi Shankar, Muddy Waters, Love...I got tapes in the mail... like everyday. In 1969 I was getting ready to cut out and go the Europe before officially graduating. I had heard this new group's first song, "Marrakech Express," and I remember it because I was planning to go there.

GOP Legislators Are Not Scientists. Nor Are They Musicians. Dan Levitin Is Both

Unless you've taken any classes from him at Stanford or McGill, chances are if you know who Dan Levity is, it's because of one of his best-selling books, This Is Your Brain on Music: The Science of a Human Obsession, The World in Six Songs: How the Musical Brain Created Human Nature, and The Organized Mind: Thinking Straight in the Age of Information Overload. Dan is a a cognitive neuroscientist specializing in music perception and cognition.