
China’s Economy and Globalization: A Look into the Future

After the corona crisis, may the world be facing a monumental paradigm shift of power towards a more balanced civilization, more social justice and equity? The global almost total lockdown, chosen by most governments around the globe in response to mastering the Covid-19 crisis, devastated the world economy, as we know it, and hundreds of millions of lives. Was it necessary? Will there be a time when those responsible for this universal, scientifically unnecessary lockdown be held accountable?

Cash is Trash, Especially for the Post-COVID World

There’s been a concerted effort recently among the oligarchs I like to call The Davos Crowd to demonize cash. From hedge fund manager Ray Dalio pronouncing ‘Cash is trash’ earlier this year to the fear-mongering surrounding COVID-19 making people fearful of dealing in cash because it might be tainted the anti-cash rhetoric has been amped up to eleven.

Interview 1515 – James Corbett on Reprogramming Your Fear Response

[audio mp3=""][/audio]James sits down with Josh Sigurdson of World Alternative Media in Acapulco, Mexico, to discuss the fear programming that keeps so many of us in line, and how we can turn that fear into positive energy. We also the important differences between the centrally planned cashless society and the rise of decentralized cryptocurrency solutions.

Crytpo: ‘Monopoly of Sovereign Issuance of Money is Clearly Over’

Ever since the arrival of leading cryptocurrency Bitcoin on the monetary scene over a decade ago, financial experts have speculated whether this new virtual currency might one day supplant the primacy of nationally-issued sovereign money. Due to the transformative power of its distributed ledger, or “blockchain” technology, cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin have been able to bypass the US dollar-dominated central banking and credit system by providing a low cost peer-to-peer money transfer alternative. But is it enough to tip the global scales?

What is the Future of (Bankster) Finance? – Questions For Corbett #049

[audio mp3=""][/audio]This week on Questions For Corbett, James answers a question from Jim, who asks if the Bank of England's vision for The Future of Finance supports the idea of a banker dictatorship, and whether this vision paves the way for the next bankster-directed war.