
The war between competing western establishments

The mainstream media and their deep state allies on both sides of the Atlantic are in full panic mode.
They are losing credibility, they are losing their grip with reality and they are losing their audience. However, they still wield a great deal of power due to their handsomely funded infrastructure and their historic alliances with the political elite.

America’s Maidan! Vladimir Putin calls the creators of “golden showers” dossier “PROSTITUTES.” And he is spot on

Nothing like a little Vladimir Putin to inject some hard truth and honesty to the ridiculousness of American main stream media reporting.
Putin has so far remained silent on all the “Russian hacker” hysteria overtaking the American Congress and establishment media, not to mention US “intelligence” services, who are actively spreading “fake news” and fairytale documents dossiers in what amount to a “soft coup” to delegitimize Trump.