
You Want Candidates Who Will Vote With Republicans Against The DREAMers? Vote For New Dems And Blue Dogs

Breitbart appears frightened that Señor Trumpanzee could abandon Stephen's racism and xenophobia for something more pragmatic. They were calling him "Amnesty Don" Thursday morning (above) but appear to have changed the headline slightly by afternoon (below). But they're still whining about the DREAMers, as you can see.

Do ‘National Security Letters’ Violate the 1st Amendment?

(ANTIMEDIA) San Francisco, CA — The question is at the heart of an ongoing court battle between the Federal Bureau of Investigations and two communications service providers represented by the Electronic Frontier Foundation. EFF is representing CREDO Mobile and Cloudflare in their efforts to defend themselves against the use of the controversial national security letters (NSL). Both companies were legally bound to secrecy for years under the provisions of the NSL, itself a creation of the 2001 PATRIOT Act.

Do All Democrats Back Net Neutrality? No, Many Are On The Corporate Gravy Train With The Republicans

This week, Rick Weiland, the populist Democrat running for open Senate seat in South Dakota, sent his supporters a statement called "The Lost Highway," and, of course, he was talking about the Internet. "Everybody," he began, "seems to think the so called net neutrality issue is incredibly complex. It isn't." Weiland isn't much loved by the Big Money interests or the Establishment shills from either party.